Wednesday, October 19, 2011

FAMILY GUIDELINES......................................................

(This is a parenthesis......................)

I had had enough of cluttered up files in the file drawers of my desk, so decided to spend part of today cleaning up those files and arranging things in alphabetical order. In the process I came across a series of notes Dad and I wrote up for a marriage seminar we facilitated together a couple months after we retired.  Among other things, in the notes I found a list of family guidelines that we concocted, things we tried to do in our own family.... so I am sharing those with you today.

1.  Give your kids lots of love

2.  Make your children feel accepted and capable of doing well.

3.  Discipline with integrity and according to the offense when possible.

4.  Include lots of laughter in the home.

5.  Communicate with each other.

6.  Have family fun times, not necessarily programmed but that just happen.

7.  Include family devotions in your lives.

8.  Lead by example.

9.  Give your children independance in small doses.

10.  Give them both roots and winge.

11.  Keep in contact with them, even when they are grown.

12.  Give them a strong sense of family. (Strong roots make strong plants)

13.  Give frequent affirmation to develop self esteem in your children.

14.  Pray without ceasing for your children, even when they are grown.

I am sure we were not "model" parents, but we do have very close family ties, something we see lacking in many families today.  We are proud of each one of you, and it rejoices our hearts when we see you nurturing your own children in Christian principles.   May your tribe increase!

1 comment:

  1. You and Dad did (and are doing) a great job, Mom! We are truly blessed.
