Monday, July 9, 2012


JOSIAH  -  so many memories overwhelm me tonight as we just received word that you are no longer with us here on earth.  You have gone on ahead to Heaven where we will all be together again one day!  God tells us to comfort each other with that thought! Heaven is FOREVER  -  earth is transitory!

So many memories flood my mind as I think of your unbelievably short life!  Papa and I saw you for the first time in Paris, a beautiful big baby boy with soft red hair.  We returned to Burkina after spending Christmas with you and your Mom and Dad.

The next time we saw you we were together in Daloa, Côte d'Ivoire.  You were such a sturdy boy - big for your age - and happily engaged in French chatter with the neighborhood kids, your friends. Bursting with energy - you were a delight to know!

My next memories of you are in Abidjan, when you lived across the street from Yves-Alain, your Ivoirien buddy.  The two of you were inseparable.  Again our conversations with you were in French, your language of choice, even though you did understand English.

Through the years I made many visits to Côte d'Ivoire because of my involvement in the FATEAC and other Christian education institutions of which I was a member in that city of Abidjan where you  now lived.  You loved to read in French and your language was so aretiuculate that I loved to listen to you. You also preferred reading French comic books, which you were allowed to do aftere you had done a certain amount of reading in English.  Your parents were getting you ready for English language school.

I well remember the week I stayed with you and Elizabeth while your parents and Papa went to a Mission conference in Bouaké.  You were in school in Abidjan, and I would sit and help you with your homework each night and at the same time listen to how you and your cousin argued with each other!  You were both very articulate!  That friendship between the two of you remained  and I remember occasions when the two of you were college students and  visiting in Georgia at Uncle Mark's and would talk together far into the night!

We did not see you often after you started attending Wheaton College.  We did have a couple of visits with you and we were always proud of your accomplishments in studies and sports at that prestigious Christian College!  You had by then grown into a wonderful adult - we were so proud of you!

I reember the last conversation we had  - that was late at night a couple years ago when we were all at Phenicie's  for Thanksgiving.  Papa and everyone else had gone to bed, but we night owls - you and I - sat there in the living room and talked for a long time!

Then came your work with Samaritain's Purse in Japan - and your meeting Rebecca, the love of your life.  We have been looking forward to being at your wedding in August and getting to know your beautiful bride - a new addition to our family.  But God had other plans for you.  The place in Heaven He had prepared for you was ready - and you are there with Him now!

What a tragedy for Rebecca - and for all of us who have loved you.  But I know it is a delight for you to be with the Lord you love and served on earth.  And Heaven is forever!  Some day we will be together again.  That is the hope we have as children of God.  One day we too - as God's children - will be caught up to meet Jesus.  There will be no separation - "we will all forever be with the Lord!"  And so today we do as our Lord has told us to do - we "comfort one another with these words".  Tonight, Josiah, as we mourn for our wonderful grandson, we have the hope of one day being together again.

Farewell from Earth, Josiah!  We look forward to some day being with you in Heaven!