Just having John here for a visit, made me a little sad that you all live so far away and are so very busy that our contacts with you are pretty spasmodic. We cherish every visit and phone or SKYPE call, and we are happy that you all love the Lord and are involved with people where you live. At the same time, we are happy here in Toccoa and have never regretted coming here to live.
Just after John left yesterday we had a phone call from Jan Arnold, inviting us to join them for supper tomorrow night in order to see Jess and Anne Jesperson! Out of the blue - what a surprise. This sort of event happens quite often. For one thing, we have so many ex-missionaries living here in Toccoa and we all have connections with others who come to visit. I made a list of all the retired missionaires living in Toccoa yesterday, just for fun, and here it is:
Ritcheys, Knickerbockers, Albrights, Stombaughs, Arnolds, Ballards, Strongs, Hooblers, Greenfields, Wiggins, Betty Smith, Fred Smith, Walkers, Crosbys, Tonnesons, Holcombs, Schultz, Scarrows, Bealls, Adams, Beaks, Harveys. the TFC MIR - and us!
All of these folks have others who come to see them and we often have a short visit too from those in town. We do not all hang out together by any means, but it is good to have this kind of a safety net as you get older. We have plenty of friends in the community and many who are not IW's in our church. So we are happy to be part of this friendly community. If we want to live the atmosphere of a bigger city sometimes, we can always go to Atlanta or Anderson.
Probably the largest group of missionaries we have ever had under our roof was soon after we moved here. That Mamou palaver was brewing in the Alliance and the people from Colorado wanted to get us all together and explain what was going on. So Peter Nanfelt called us and asked if we could host a meal for all missionaries in the area and give a safe environment to let all hear the details of the palaver. We would provide place and meal and they would pay all the bills!! An unusual request to be sure - but of course we accepted! There were 65 people whom we entertained that evening and I put out a big spread of all kinds of buffet dishes, hot and cold. It was quite a gathering!
Good to know that God orders our ways, and also makes us content to live for Him wherever He leads us. Africa is still home - always will be! - but we are also content in our situation, where God has led us. COME AND VISIT!!
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