Thursday, February 24, 2011

How it all began...................

Once upon a time there was a girl named Nancy. She was raised in a cross cultural situation - partly in North American and partly in West Africa. This influenced her personality and way of looking at life. Her life was also filled with languages other than English - she spoke three languages by the time she entered first grade.  When time for college came, she went to Houghton College, in New York state.  Her parents left her in the States just before her Freshman year at College and never saw her again until the week she graduated four years later.  This did not have any particular effect on her except to make her very independant. After being graduated from College, she went on to get missions and Bible training to prepare her for being a single lady international worker in Africa!  But God had a surprise waiting for her when she got to Nyack College, in the person of Milt Pierce.  They met the first week of November, were engaged the 22nd of February, married the 4th of June that year - and the rest is history!

We were cross-cultural workers in West Africa for forty three years, and lived a long and rich life.  God gave us a wonderul big family - a special gift from Him.  We had three girls first and then two sons.  Each of the children grew up and brought a spouse into our lives - we love them all, wonderful men and women who added so much to our family!  Then along came the  granchildren - thirteen in all.  Our beautiful Jennie had cancer when she was in her thirties and she went to be with the Lord.  John married again - a lovely lady, who had also lost her husband and who brought into our family another child from her marriage, so that made fourteen grandchildren.  Now the grandchildren have begun to get married and reproduce and we have a lovely one year old great grandbaby, Levi, now!  How blessed we are!  I love being a daughter, wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother and great granmother!

I have been involved in many things in my life - besides being a wife and mother and grandmother.... With my husband, we were cross cultural workers for forty three years in West Africa. I was a teacher, a Bible School professor, a Bible translator, a writer, but what I enjoyed through all of this was being a mother and a grandmother.  I still love that aspect of my life. I also miss my writing career since we are now retired, and so I decided, why not a blog??  I can communicate with my family in this way while I am fulfilling my creative instincts.  So here goes a new journey for me - Musings of a Mother.


  1. Keep up the musings, Mom. Way to go!

  2. Mom, I didn't realize that I was born on the same day that you and Dad got engaged. I guess that was a good day all around since Katy was born that day too.
